
Buy any product from our store at Amazon Canada or Amazon USA or Best Buy Canada, give rating and review for the product purchased and we will refund you $20 to $100 as per below. Limited to one product per customer.

 Product Price Discount After Review
Less than $101 $20
$101 - $200 $40
$201 - $300 $50
$301 - $400 $60
$401 - $500 $70
Above $500 $100


Product Price is the final price customer pays without tax.


  1. Buy product from our store at Amazon or Best Buy.
  2. Give Rating and Review.
  3. Send email to and mention the following:
    1. Order number.
    2. Attach the screen shot of the review and rating given.
  4. Once verified, we will refund you as per above schedule.

Please see the links below: 

Best Buy Store Canada:


Amazon Store Canada:


Amazon Store USA: